The energetic rollercoaster ride we have been on for too many years continues. It seems it will never end, that we will never have peace again.
Venus remains retrograde through June 27. Many relationships have ended. Any dysfunction in our relationships has become very obvious. We are having to look at our relationships and decide what we can do differently, how we can come together in a healthier way. My relationship ended early, even before Venus started it's retrograde motion. We have now come back together to rebuild it healthier and more loving way.
We are also having to look at our relationship with ourselves. How lovingly do you treat yourself? How well do you take care of yourself?
We are also forming a stronger relationship with Spirit, with the Creator. Psychic abilities and experiences are increasing and becoming stronger.
The theme for June has been opening the heart and learning more about love, about what it really is. We are learning that it is not the romantic ideal we thought it was. It is so much more, so much deeper and multi-leveled.
Venus is helping us to learn that Love is everything and that everything is Love. This lesson has been very painful for many of us. Our hearts are being forced open, even if we want them to remain closed. The more tightly we try to hold our heart closed, the more painfully it is being ripped open.
The Goddess energy has returned to Earth to be combined with the Masculine energy that has been in charge for so long. Now there is a balance that has not existed before. We have to experience this balance within ourselves, within our relationships and within our world. This is not an easy transformation for many of us.
It is definitely not an easy transition for those who control our world. The unworkable systems continue to falter. Banks and economies worldwide are failing. They have been built on greed instead of Love and cannot continue. Businesses built on greed are also failing. Only Love and things built with Love will be allowed to prevail.
Tomorrow will be the New Moon. A time to begin new things, to create new things in our lives. Focus your intent on what you want to create in your life and in our world. Because this New Moon is in Gemini, it reinforces the joining of the God and Goddess, the Masculine and the Feminine. This will anchor this energy even more deeply in our consciousness.
The intense energies this month have increased the symptoms we have been experiencing. Emotional issues have been brought to the surface for us to recognize and heal. Many of us have hit rock bottom where the only way we can go is up. There has been an increase in deaths and illnesses. This has caused us to experience grief, sadness, depression, resentment, anger and many other emotions.
These overwhelming emotions are serving to burst our hearts open so that we can feel Love once again. It is not comfortable as we are experiencing it, but will be well worth it when we come out the other side into Unconditional Love for ourselves and others.
This rollercoaster ride is not over. We have further to go, so we may as well hold on, put a smile on our faces and scream as loud as we can.
Claudia McNeely is a Clairvoyant Psychic, Master Energy Healer and Law of Attraction Coach. Request a free ebook on 'Self-Healing' at
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